


- 5 points was chosen because of my research into Rothko and Corbusier
- I wanted to write a manifesto for myself because I have nothing to say about how other people should live. Giving advice is a thankless and often uncalled for task.
- I wanted to effectively troubleshoot my shortcomings on the diploma.
- Focus on my process. Systems Art


'What is your typical process. that is, how do you develop an idea? How important is collaboration in your process?

The process I’ve been using most often has been described by Maltese philosopher Edward DeBono, who suggests starting to think about an idea for a particular project by taking a random object as point of departure. Say, I have to design a pen, and instead of looking at all other pens and thinking about how pens are used and who my target audience is etc., I start thinking about pens using…(this is me now looking around the hotel room for a random object)…bed spreads. Ok, hotel bedspreads are…sticky…contain many bacteria…, ahh, would be possible to design a pen that is thermo sensitive, so it changes colours where I touch it, yes, that could actually be nice: an all black pen that becomes yellow on the touching points of fingers/hands. Not so bad, considering it took me all of 30 seconds. Of course, the reason this works is because DeBono’s method forces the brain to start out at new and different point, preventing it from falling into a familiar grove it has formed before.'

- Sagmeister's favourite designers (Tibor Kalman, James Victore)



- My concept for my photoshoot was to write my manifesto onto my back and photograph that. 
- I knew that I wanted my final product to have my 5 points written on my final piece.
- my nan wrote the words on my back but because pen isn't designed for skin it was hard to see. it was also difficult to communicate to her what I wanted her to do.
- after that i took all the photos myself using the timer feature. there were a lot of restrictions like i would have preferred to shoot the photo's holding the camera portrait but i could only attach it to the tripod landscape. I think the restrictions made it more fun because there was more to problem solve.
- i ended up changing the aspect ratio to 1:1 and that really helped.
- I also changed the Lightsource from in front of me to behind me to light the whole wall. 


- used technique from the first workshop of holding my pen at the end 
- reference to corpus christi
- intuitive process


At first I tried to colour select the text on my back to see if I could bring it up, but I couldn't. That's when I knew I was going to have to go down a more graphic design route. To me it felt like a happy accident because the work was leading me down a path I hadn't planned.

- I decided I wanted to add colour into the work just because it made my smile



- what would I have done differently if I'd hve had more time: experiment
- find ways to make it even more personal
- where else could I put the manifesto to help me remember it even more? : screensaver


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