Armour for The Apocalypse: A New Fashion Era
Harry, Yasmin, Mike, Luke, Carla
- the hands on the logo is ESL for 'horse', there are 4 to symbolise the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The colours represent the colours of those horses. The eye is a reference to the biblical description of angels and a symbol of judgement, enlightenment, and conscience.

- The materials we used were all clothes that we don't wear anymore, lots of the clothes we used had become to small for us. To make a pattern for the hoodie we unpicked an old hoodie. For the arms we used a pair of sweatpants. I liked this way of making clothes - it made me unexpectedly happy to see my old sweatpants become something new.

- We also had time to quickly make a gillet out of our unused scraps. If we had more time I would have liked to have spent more time making it more structured.
- the ribbon detailing on the hood and body are inspired by the exoskeleton of a bug.
- the holes in the balaclava look like spiders eyes. The balaclava was inspired by helmets from our initial research.
- I stitched the balaclava - the first thing I've done on a sewing machine - I was really proud of it. Harry had cut out the pieces following a tik tok tutorial - when he wanted to give up I took responsibility for finishing it. Yas showed me how to used the sewing machine - she took responsibility for most of the heavy sewing.
- I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the project - I liked how physical the process of making a garment is. I enjoyed the making process more than the design.
- I also enjoyed the time crunch element to the project - I really enjoyed the 'just do' approach and being out of our heads. I enjoyed the fast paced nature and having to work quick - I hate working slow.
- Team work was a new challenge but after one day our whole team came together really quickly - no one butted heads and everyone brought their own skills and helped each other build upon our ideas. I was expecting it to be an unpleasant experience but it was actually really good.
- mad max inspired.

- black and white felt more fitting
- I love the look of over exposed photos - by removing information from the background the context of the surroundings is obscured and the subject is brought into focus
- Brought the images up to a high contrast - I liked the punchy almost print like effect.
- I liked including two images because I thought it made the viewing experience more textured, but stacked on top of one another it just didn't look like a front cover to me.
- double exposure, I always love the way double exposure looks. It was a way to include two images and make it look like one. It makes it look more cartoonish - reminded me of a comic I read years ago called Wacky Raceland.- coloured over lays, zine like
- I wanted to lift this font (found on Dafont) onto the final outcome because it looked so badass. The bright red and splatters reminded me of a video game title. I tried scribbling over the picture little doodles and I thought it looked really cool. I stayed away from adding a bar code and too much writing to my front cover because I wanted to stay away from anything that evoked consumerism. I also wanted to focus on creating something which was a visual treat - as opposed to something cerebral.
STRETCH & CHALLANGE: DOUBLE PAGE- I was interested in images and spectacle when designing a double page. I wanted to design something you could spend a lot of time looking at. I Preferred to let the images and design speak for itself rather than add lots of text.
- The first experiment I thought was too dark. I tried again the second time and used red to match my front page and removed the coloured overlay.
- I found a cool pen type called 'vegetation' which I used to make the image look like mold had grown on it.
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