Art In A Coffee Cup
ART IN A COFFEE CUP: PAINT - HARMONY - URBAN We know that the whole creation is groaning together and suffering labour pains Paddy Mcaloon I Trawl The Megahertz - wrote while recovering from eye surgery for retina detachment that meant he couldn't read. He listened to the radio, was on medication that made him very sleepy, and as he tuned in and out of the voices on the radio he began to imagine music. - I like this synthesis of life leading to art, authentic inspiration. B.V Doshi (Architect) - I had a 6th sense about Doshi, when I saw his name, before knowing anything about him or his work I knew he would be one of my favorite artists. - Doshi inspires me not only in my work but in the way I would like to live my life. - Creates a harmony in his design as well as designing buildings for urban settings. Steven Meisel (Fashion Photographer) - I feel like I could just look and look and look at his pictures - for hours. I wish I could hold them in front of me a leaf through th...