MANIFESTO THE RULES - 5 points was chosen because of my research into Rothko and Corbusier - I wanted to write a manifesto for myself because I have nothing to say about how other people should live. Giving advice is a thankless and often uncalled for task. - I wanted to effectively troubleshoot my shortcomings on the diploma. - Focus on my process. Systems Art STEFAN SAGMEISTER 'What is your typical process. that is, how do you develop an idea? How important is collaboration in your process? The process I’ve been using most often has been described by Maltese philosopher Edward DeBono, who suggests starting to think about an idea for a particular project by taking a random object as point of departure. Say, I have to design a pen, and instead of looking at all other pens and thinking about how pens are used and who my target audience is etc., I start thinking about pens using…(this is me now looking around the hotel room for a random object)…bed spreads. Ok, hotel bedspreads are…s...