Moments of Passion and Pain (2021)

Moments of Passion and Pain "Not being able to feel the pleasure of seeing a magnificent landscape with someone else is a form of torture. That is why I started taking photographs. I wanted to eternalise those moments of passion and pain" - Abbas Kiarostami Moments of Passion and Pain is a multi-media zine comprised of original photographs (35mm), poems, prose, and illustration. It was produced for my second-year FMP at college. The title Moments of Passion and Pain (I'll refer to it as MoPaP from here on) is a reference to the filmmaker and photographer Kiarostami whose nature photography and attitudes towards art heavily inspired me. Throughout the zine I also reference E.M Forster, whose eternal genius and understanding of life, I hope to reference more in my work. The zine can mean anything you want it to mean or absolutely nothing at all. But if you happen to be interested what I had in mind as I designed it, read on. I was inspired to mak...